Sunday, June 21, 2009

A School Run

In honor of the Santo Tomas schools 49th anniversary, last week was filled with games, fun activities, competitions and ultimately no school for multiple days. One of the days had a fun run for the whole school –it was funny to see how many people wanted to beat the tall, white guy. I went running with the girls and was able to snap some shots.

Here we all are at 7 am. Just about everyone was excited.

Here we are amidst the masses. The entire school ran. There was a little bit of mayhem, but it was a lot of fun.

Here is Jessica, very front with a arm around her, in the middle of the race. It was time for a break.

Here I am with Milagros during the race. My beard actually made me faster... at least that is what I told all the little kids.

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