Wednesday, July 29, 2009

All Accounts Paid For

This last week we finished up our last meeting with our Santo Tomas ladies. It was more of a party. Five women were present. Five accounts completely paid for. Not one of the accounts is in arrears. This has been an incredible group. They have been very good on attendance, payments and participation.

For those that were able to pay every week on-time, they received a S/.15 ($5 USD) bonus and they will automatically be apart of the next group which will be starting the end of August. For those that were not able to pay every week on-time, they will be considered for the next group, but equally alongside all of the other applicants waiting to be apart of this process. I wish that we could carry them over, but we only have enough funds for one group.

So much has been learned throughout these last four months. There is so much yet to learn and do in order to have this program continue and strengthen. The women, we have found, are very willing to better their business, pay back the loans, and eagerly participate in a group setting. By having the group members from the same location, it has tremendously helped out attendance. I have been reading books on the “How Too” of microfinance, and morphing the knowledge into a program specific for this area. Talk about challenges. There has been a significant amount of help. Thank you. I hope to see this program continue to grow.

Rumor has it we might be even receiving someone from WWU to help out and work with this program throughout this next academic school year. That would be incredible. There is so much to do, so much more we can grow. Keep this program in your prayers. Pray that God, again, chooses the best and most deserving people to be apart of this next group. Thanks for the interest and support.

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