Thursday, August 27, 2009

Saturday Night Social Games

This last Saturday night, at the Adventist high school downtown, there was a gym night. We have been trying to get our girls involved with the church (we attend every Saturday but they still have a difficult time wanting to be involved), and they are doing better, and a gym night sounded like a great idea. It was!

We arrived on time, so there were not many people there (they came later), but we started playing games anyway (being counselors at summer camp really helped with wasting-time-game-ideas). The girls had a blast. When people finally started arriving, someone finally turned on the lights (that helped a lot), and everyone started playing –it was a fun evening that apparently happens every Saturday night. It was exciting to see our girls actively participating in games. With their energy gone, fun socializing had, and sodas in their bellies, they quickly went to bed. What a great Saturday night!

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