Susana is the epitome of willingness, hard work, wisdom and patience. She recently moved to our place in Santo Tomas. Previously, she lived in the office in town and just finished up her masters in education. She had come from a humble family in a smaller jungle town and was sponsored by the organization to get a college education. She finished her degree this past January. Through a series of unusual events, the decision was made that Susana would come and work in POPPYS House for this school year.
Having her here has been such a blessing. She has been able to help us significantly with tutoring the girls and trying to improve their education beyond that of the school they are attending. She accompanies the girls to school, keeps in constant contact with teachers and brings the girls home when school gets out early or when some teachers never show up (both cases happen frequently).
The girls love and respect Susana greatly. She loves each one of these girls immensely, and they can see it. She is an excellent example to these girls because she is one of the earliest success stories of the students sponsored by People of Peru Project. Her passion is to educate children in remote areas, such as her home town, and inspire them to have greater aspirations in life. As much as I’d like to take her home in my pocket, she must stay to continue the work God has cut out for her. We are blessed to be apart of her life.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Susana Comes to Santo Tomas
Caring For Your Teeth - Herkie Style

Soccer in the Stadium
Soccer in Iquitos is a BIG deal. Before kids can take their first steps, or even utter their first words, they are somehow learning to play soccer. We decided to take 16 of the local guys out here in Santo Tomas to play soccer in the stadium (we found out that you can rent the entire stadium for one hour, for $30). A lot of the guys have grown up watching professional soccer in the stadium, but never dreamed of actually playing there themselves.
The guys were so excited on the way out to the stadium. We borrowed the organizations truck, and crammed everyone (17 people –Peruvian style) in it. They were singing the whole way there. It was amazing to see their faces, see them play, and hear their enthusiasm. It was a little weird playing on a field that didn’t have random mud pits and craters, but we quickly became accustomed (the field was actually made of turf and beautiful). The guys had an amazing time, and look forward to when we can do this again. Now everyone wants to go!

Childrens Story and Angel Patrol
When you hear parents talk about, “Oh, my four year old gets into everything,” you really don’t understand until you have a four year old of your own. With that being said, Angel is an amazing kid. He has the uncanny ability to get into EVERYTHING –he is 4 years old. When it comes to discipline, his biggest problem is that he is cute. When it comes to church, he loves going to children’s story, but whenever he goes, he tends to play with the vase, pull on the microphone cord, walk around the stage where the elders are sitting, etc…. I decided to sit with him this last Sabbath, and it turned into somewhat of a comical spectacle. Apparently sitting with you kid during children’s story is slightly different than in the States (I should have gotten the hint when I saw no adult upfront). As I made my way to the stage, everyone wouldn’t stop snickering. As the story progressed, the lady telling the story would not stop giving me funny looks. Despite everything, Angel was able to sit and enjoy the children’s story without leaving his seat. I did not exactly fit in upfront (both in size and presence) but learned that children’s story is really for children.Here is a photo of me trying to fit into the crowd…
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Herkie´s Bio
Summer School Celebration
Food For The Hungry
One of the girls told me that there was a gentleman at our gate who wanted to sell spaghetti. We occasionally get some people (who hear that gringo’s live here) wanting to sell things. I greeted him, and fully expected to politely tell him, “Thank you, but no thanks.” He stopped me mid-sentence and told me that he was trying to give away 335 lbs. worth of spaghetti, and more than 200 rolls of toilet paper. This gentleman, who actually goes to church with us, had been trying to give this stuff away, and no one would accept. We gladly accepted.
After loading up all three of our workers with toilet paper and an abundance of spaghetti, we were still left with a mountain. Sabbath afternoon, with the help of Juan, C.J., Susana, and all the girls, we distributed more than 200 lbs. of spaghetti (to get an idea, one package equals about one pound). It was an amazing experience. We were also able to pass out a few “Steps to Christ.” More than 30 families were able to receive food. It was enriching for our girls to be able to take part in sharing, but more importantly, giving a blessing of another meal.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
An American Correspondence
As a part of English class, we thought it would be fun to incorporate some sort of pen-pal type assignment with our girls with somewhere in the States. After talking with the Spanish teacher at Portland Adventist Academy, we were able to get this endeavor started. The Spanish Level II class has been corresponding with our girls now for the last month or so. Both groups have been meticulously decorating their letters, and writing in both Spanish and English. This has been an incredible learning opportunity for our girls, while making English a little more fun. Our girls are beginning to pick up on some phrases, and now with their correspondences, they are beginning to learn questions and answers. It sounds simple, but it is HUGE for our girls. Thank you PAA, we look forward to more letters.
Girls, Meet the Internet
An internet café recently opened in Santo Tomas. As a part of business class, we decided to take the girls over, and find out some information on the web. This turned into more of a “How to” session. The girls were able to discover how much information is available at the mere click of a mouse. We looked up Peruvian history, United States history, maps, the value of currency, and how some countries are doing in this current “Financial Crisis.” It was incredible to see their eyes wide open, and their minds spinning. Right now, all of the girls want their own, personal, email address, but I think that we will wait and teach them a little more about how the computer and the internet work.
We have two computers here at POPPYS House (without internet, of course), and after playing around with them for a little bit the other day, they now both work. They are not very fast, but they get the job done. One of the computers even has Encarta 2007 (in Spanish). This program is astonishing. There is a plethora of information at the click of a mouse. With school starting now, it is hard to devote time each day to learning about the computers, but this is definitely something that we are going to set in motion for our girls. As long as we have the resources, computer literacy needs to be taught.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Felix Passed! Lima, Here He Comes.
Earlier today, Sunday, March 8, Felix took the entrance exam and endured an interview for the Adventist university (La Universidad Peruana Unión) and passed them both. It was exciting news for all of us. Felix wanted us to relay the following message to you. It has been translated into English.
- Use the following Link, which will take you to our donation page: Pay Using PayPal
- In the comments section, please write, "Felix Education Expenses."
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Felix´s Own Words
At the beginning of studying for the test (which is coming up this Sunday), I had Felix write an essay explaining why he wanted to go to the Adventist university in Lima. I told him I needed 3 reasons. I wasn´t expecting much, since he´s a Santo Tomas alumnus, but he definitely surprised me. The grammer is not perfect, but he definitely put a lot of thought into it. He turned it in to me about 3 hours after I had asked him to write it. Below is the translation I did. I will have the original version on a post in the wishlist link.
Below is a picture of Felix and his parents after a Bible study at our place. Following is his essay.
First Reason
I want to be a good professional in all capacities. Perhaps never such a town and such a teenager look the same, in such a way, as here in Santo Tomas, I never saw a person capable of overcoming from the lowest to the highest. I don’t say that they aren’t professionals; it’s only that they don’t have work now and it makes me scared to stay the same as them. For that reason I say that I want to be a good professional.
Because in my family I have very bad people, they only think of the negative; you will never be a professional, you are an arrogant sloth, and that has me very confused, I don’t think about these things and it makes me very, very angry, but I control it. This also gives me the impulse to study, to also demonstrate to them that I’m a person capable of being something in life, not like everyone else right now.
I always wanted to be a model form my family, maybe also for my kids to be a counselor, studious, loving and many other good things there are in this life that brings a lot of surprises. I never thought I would find friends guided to me by God, who would put their faith and trust in this little teenager, I only need to be what I want to be, because I believe that this year, is the year for my luck that I have always looked for, and to demonstrate that yes I can and to not defraud them ever.
Second Reason
I want to help my parents and to please God. My parents are merely agricultural people; they work a lot and only earn money to eat, they don’t even have free time so that they can help us with our school work. We live in a little wooden house, but with lots of love, I always dreamed of having a big house with lights, my own room, a shower and many commodities. I know that all is possible through Christ who strengthens me, day and night, I know that I can achieve this with His help, and have success, and have what I always dreamed and so that my parents aren’t working so much, under that brutal sun.
But above all, to give back what was given to me one day, to you guys and to God, with all the teachings that you have given me in the Bible studies, I learned to respect and to value God, beginning to believe in Him. On the exam that I will take, I only hope that God helps me, giving me much wisdom, because I need it because studying in such little time, is quite difficult, but not impossible.
I know I will achieve it for my family, for my future family, for you guys and for God, and with God we will always be on top of the world.
Third Reason
So that one day my family will not suffer. My path will be difficult, but what will be more difficult is that of my family if I don’t study and I’m not a professional. In a blink of an eye, one morning I will wake up and at my side pulling my shirt they will tell me, “Papa, I need this, this and this.” From where will I give them if I have not studied, if I don’t have money? In that moment my family will suffer because I didn’t want to be what was offered to me one day.
My father told me, “We suffered a lot with all you kids. More when they needed school supplies for school. I needed economic help, and in that moment I suffered a lot, and for that I don’t want that you guys end up like us. Children should rise above their parents. Always have that in mind. Study for your well-being, not for us. Studying will one day serve you and someone will support you, and look now, Felix, you have this great opportunity to show that you are able to.”
Now I arrive at the end, so that my family doesn’t suffer and no one can lie to me, I will study hard because I am a man of valor and I am original, unique in the world.
In conclusion, all my family, except for a few, are very happy for this news, thanks to you guys, my friends.
To be a good professional, to help my parents, to please God, and so my family will not suffer is all that I can say.
Thank you. I needed it a lot.