Earlier today, Sunday, March 8, Felix took the entrance exam and endured an interview for the Adventist university (La Universidad Peruana Unión) and passed them both. It was exciting news for all of us. Felix wanted us to relay the following message to you. It has been translated into English.
"Well, I would like to thank, firstly, the people who have supported me, my family, and especially you guys, who have put so much faith in me to be able to make something of myself in life. Also, because you have been there supporting me studying to be able to pass this test. And thanks to you guys, and the support of Papa Dios (My father, God), I have passed. Thank you very much. I will never get tired of thanking you guys. Thank you very much!"
Here is a photo of Felix (far right in brown shirt) with his family. His father was unable to be in the photo, however, he is extremely proud of his son´s accomplishment - almost to the point of tears.
We are now giving this entire thing to God. We are purchasing him a plane ticket to leave tomorrow, Monday, March 9, in the afternoon to Lima. School starts tomorrow as well, so he is very rushed. Right now we need to raise $3,000, which is $1,000 more than we expected. The information sheet where we received our previous figure was for a different major and included some scholarships which Felix is unable to receive.
To send money, there are two options.
1) Make check payable to Aaron Linfoot. Send check to:
Becky Harvey
P.O. Box 33807
Portland, OR 97292
2) Pay by Credit or Debit card through PayPal. We have an account through them allowing for us to pull money directly out of an ATM.
- Use the following Link, which will take you to our donation page: Pay Using PayPal
- In the comments section, please write, "Felix Education Expenses."
Money is gladly accepted in either lump sum or monthly payments. If you wish to do a monthly payment, please contact us at linfoot.aaron@gmail.com, and let us know (we are making a budget and working with the University).
Thank you all. Please keep Felix in your prayers as he pursues this incredible opportunity.
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