My dad came for a 3 week visit. It began as a quick trip along the “gringo trail” of Peru (Arequipa, Lake Titicaca, Cusco, Machu Picchu) and ended in the great jungle Amazónica. Dad’s friend, Chris, also came for 2 weeks to enjoy the sites of Peru. It was so wonderful to have family come down and experience the Peruvian life. Not only that, Dad even brought some wonderful books on Colorado to help prove to the girls that Colorado is the greatest state of the 50 we’ve got up there…much to Aaron’s dismay. I believe he has finally accepted that Oregon is a close second.
We enjoyed many meals of chicken, white rice and fish with their faces still staring at you. That came as a shock to dad…hehe. The girls enjoyed their time with “Papa Kendall” and I was excited to share my wonderful dad with girls who were never blessed to have a good dad in their lives. He gave several worships for the girls, with great words of wisdom and helped us through several moments of crises in the home. It was sad to see him go, but we look forward to seeing him again on the other side of the world.
We love you Dad! Anyone else who would like to come is more than welcome. (hint, hint)

Here we are shortly after Keith was made Chief of the Boras which apparently comes with 7 wives...

Here is a photo of Kelly holding some adorable baby sloth´s we found on one of the outings with dad. They would not let go of each for anything. They stunk, but were incredibly cute.
OH My.... I hear they are Very bacteria infested. Is This True?....Shame, they don't look yucky. Too bad we can't see the expression on Kelly's face... Ha! Ha!
Nice... Picture of you and your dad Kelly! So Awesome he was there at the right time for you guys. God Is So Good! Wow.... Keith was made chief hey.... 7 wives. Oh my. What did he think of that?
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