Saturday, November 28, 2009

New Twin Girls!

Meet our newest edition to the girls of POPPYS House: Valesca and Zuleica. They are twin 4-year-old girls. It has been a new adventure for us here, especially since we administrators have taken on the role of parents for these two girls—bathing, washing clothes, combing hair, playing, putting to bed, feeding, taking to the bathroom, etc.

They arrived at the beginning of November and since then we have been learning many new aspects about parenting. Many of you parents—especially our own parents!—may feel a sense of “I told you so” or “How do you like it from this end?” and get a good laugh at seeing us dive in to a much more direct parenting role for a couple of very dependent children. Although we get no tax breaks from it, it has been a new challenge that has been making us grow into better people (better parents!).

They came with ragged clothes, lice, worms and the lack of consistency in their lives. We have been able to clean them up—some new clothes, hair cuts, de-worming (won’t go into the gory details of that, but wow), and a consistent schedule and discipline. We have seen great improvements in the past several weeks.

The following is a heart-felt letter we would like to share:

Dear Moms and Dads (especially our own, but not exclusively):
We apologize for all the pains, stresses and grey hairs we have caused you in our lifetime, but we are forever grateful for your example. You showed love, patience, wisdom and perseverance in the face of many ridiculous moments with ungrateful children (at times). You kept telling yourself “They’ll thank me someday” and perhaps never believed it. Well, it was true. We thank you. We thank you for disciplining us and training us. We now understand the blood, sweat and tears you shed because of us and we deeply respect your courage and strength as parents. We constantly seek to follow your example as we are now finding ourselves in a very similar role. Parenting is challenging and rewarding. We hope our girls will thank us someday. J
Much Love,

Aaron and Kelly

1 comment:

mom said...

My... I'm at work as I read the role of parenting you share and find yourselves... Truly I'm grateful you're saying thankyou, and I Love You. Yet, I must say as your mom:
Your thank you, is Living everyday in Sharing Jesus to these children and Everyone whom you meet there in Peru! It's knowing whom and where your strength lies and living Jesus in All you do...
This you do as we see and read in your blogs. Blessings and Love to you ALL, yes while experiencing the small rewards now...yet someday in lives formed firmly in adulthood, where you once encouraged and prayed with during the rough spots.
Love you greatly... MOM :D