Saturday, March 13, 2010

Marieta receives a new house

Thanks to a buddy of Casey’s, Greg, a neighbor is receiving a much needed house. Greg came down this last week, and with some donations from his students back in Florida, he was able to put on a new roof, extend the house back about 10 feet, and put some nice wooden sides on. Projects down here seem to always take longer then planned, but thanks to some help, our girls included, we were able to finish the project in a week. Marieta, ourselves included, are extremely excited for the time, energy, and fundraising that Greg and his students did. We were able to give her a new roof, 3 rooms, a table, lights and electrical outlets. Here are some photos of her house during the construction, and now all finished.

Here is the beginning of a new roof. The house was actually extended back about 10 feet.

Here you can see the roof, along with the siding, coming along.

Here is Greg figuring out a window.

Inside shot of the house. You can see her vaulted ceilings. It turned out really nice.

She received three nice rooms, along with a stellar hallway. Thanks alot Greg!

1 comment:

mom said...

Really Nice and QUICK work! Blessings when we all work together. NICE! :D