Saturday, February 28, 2009
Death, a Different Reality
Thursday, February 26, 2009
An Urgent Request for Help
Those of you who have faithfully followed our blogs understand our frustration with the public education system, and especially with the local school here in Santo Tomas. The majority of the students who finish high school in our town (if they get that far) aren´t really able to seriously consider going to a university. The best option for them to escape the mundane life of our remote little town is to join the military. Those who don´t join the military become motorcar drivers, field workers, or fish vendors--gender depending. There are no student loans or government aide. Those who go to college are either rich or lucky. It´s a sad reality.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
The Glatts Family Leaves
These last few weeks we have been blessed to have a family here from Montana. Pastor Tom, his wife Linda, and their two boys have been very involved in life around here. Tom and his wife have been putting on an evangelistic series in various locations in and around Iquitos. Linda, a nurse by trade, has been putting on a health series as well. With this, she has been involving the girls from POPPYS House with coming and giving presentations. It has been wonderful watching our girls get involved, working on people skills, communication, and public speaking. Pastor Tom has given bible studies out in Santo Tomas, and the family has helped out tremendously with our girls. This has Included playing soccer, volleyball, re-doing some of our chairs, spending time with our girls, and learning Spanish. We have greatly appreciated their help, and wish them the best of luck now as they take a little break and see some sites in Peru.
Happy Valentines Day
This last Saturday night, Valentines day, Kelly and I were able to sneak away for a few hours and have some time alone. We decided to check out a restuarant down on the Amazon river. It was spectacular. It is a two story, elegant dining restuarant, floating in the middle of the Amazon river. It has its own private pool, you get chauffeured over on a private boat, and there is even live music. Kelly and I went at dusk, an apparently un-popular time, and were able to have a beautiful view of the sun setting on the mighty Amazon. We were accompanied by a pleasany breeze, a few pesky mosquitos, and a gorgeous restuarant to ourselves.
Here are some photos that we were able to take on a friends camera.
Here we are heading out to the restuarant. This is one of the more expensive places in town. About $10 USD a plate. Affordable for an American, but not for most Peruvians (or Volunteers).
A shot of the city lights. It was so peaceful. No sounds. Tranquility. Romance. What more could you want...
They even had real flowers sitting on the table. The food was incredible. We are here drinking some amazing Passion Fruit juice, and endulging in some Peruvian delicacies.
Farewell to Maria
We Get a Girls Soccer Team
As Casey and Aaron have been eagerly playing in their soccer games, the girls of POPPYS House have also been playing. Every Sunday, the girls, including Lisa and Kelly, have gone to a near by pueblo (small town), and challenged them to a game. With everyone, we have just enough players –although it has been interesting these last few weeks with the girls having chicken pox. We have been fortunate, and always had enough –even if we had to call up people last minute.
We were able to outfit our team with some jerseys, making them look quite professional. We have some very talented players, but tend to be undersized, and a little under skilled. The teams they have been playing have been comprised mostly of middle aged women who talk a lot of “smack,” push a lot, and have been playing together for quite some time. These women are ferocious, intense, and are only your friends before the game, and a few days after. The games have been fairly close, although no wins have been tallied. Our girls are doing a wonderful job at playing hard, working on teamwork, recognizing each others skill, and having fun. It is great to see the girls playing together, and being led by two fearless gringos (Lisa and Kelly). This is a great bonding experience, one that everyone looks forward to. (We will post some photos soon).
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Bora Bora Tribe and Monkey Island

A Visit from a Neighbor
This last Sunday, as we were coming home from our soccer games (both the girls and guys played), a monster met us at the sala (dinning room). This was some sort of Iguana/Lizard that had become a little lost. This is the biggest one we have seen out here. We tried to get him to leave nicely, but that resulted only in some crazy, snake-like, hissing. We then moved on to the broom. That seemed to work, but still he didn’t want to leave. Elvira, one of the former girls out here at POPPYS House, got up more courage than Casey or myself, and grabbed him by the tail (hence the photo below) and threw him into the river. He landed, and then swam away. The water level is high, giving us a nice river that runs, almost literally, up to our dining room. We will wait and see what else comes to visit…

Dinner for the Workers
This organization is full of workers who help out our girls. Everything from driving them all over the city, to fundraising for them, to cooking for them, to babysitting; our girls have a lot of support. In lieu of this, we, the administrators at POPPYS House, wanted to take them out to a congratulatory dinner. We invited all of the employees who directly work with our girls, as well as their families. Everyone showed up--almost 40 in all. It was remarkable. We were able to meet the families of these wonderful people, and enjoy some of the best chicken, rice, and french fries in Iquitos (the restaurant that we went to is really known for having the best sauces in town). We are very thankful for these individuals who do so much and give so much of their time, all so that our girls can live a fairly normal life. We couldn’t do it without them.
Kevin and Sandra Arrive
Kevin and Sandra have been with us for about one week now. They are here for a three month stay, with Kevin helping out with the girls and their cases and Sandra helping out on the medical side. Kevin is putting together a much needed files system for and on the girls, both in creating new files (he has his masters in Social Work) and organizing old files from the government. Sandra has already started offering medical treatment and screenings for locals. We appreciate the work that they are doing and enjoy their company.
Here is a photo of them after helping out with a face-painting class out here with us.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Sharing is Caring: A Chicken Pox Story
Previously, we mentioned that Keyla had chicken pox. The poor girl got taken out bad by the disease, but she is finally on the tail end of her journey. We had been concerned about the spreading of the disease since, at this point, we have no reasonable way to quarantine any of the girls. However, in my naively non-medical eyes, I saw the disease taking its leave.
Well, that chicken pox sure is a little trooper. Like the little engine that could, it kept going and never giving up or losing hope. And now, after a 20 day incubation period, the disease is popping up everywhere like a screwed up game of whack-a-mole. Within the past four days, five more of our kids have gotten the pox—one of which had had the vaccine already. Not only that, there are a few more potential candidates who have yet to get poxed. I, too, am a potentially potentila candidate, since I have not had it, but had a vaccine. My only hope is that the US vaccines are way better than those down here. I would hate to be left out and all, but a selfish streak in me desires to never be touched by the disease.
There are so many lessons we can learn from chicken pox.
- Never give up. Everyone may be against you and trying to do everything in their power to stop you from being yourself. Don't let them bring you down.
- Share. With so much to offer, it would be unjust to not spread the love to those around you. Thank you for sharing, you dirty disease.
- In whatever you do, do it to the best of your ability. This disease could have been a few spots here and there, but no--that would be mediocrity. Poxy has put it's best effort in, covering all areas of the body with as many of it's little blisters as possible.
Thank you, chicken pox, for teaching us so many valuable life lessons.
Bridge Jumping

The other day when I was driving by, I stopped to watch for a few minutes. The kids new my name, and kept telling me to “watch.” They were launching off the bridge in a variety of forms, but it got very exciting when I pulled out the camera and began snapping away. Kids love getting their picture taken. After a few minutes of this entertaining mayhem, I called the kids over and showed them the photos that I had taken. They were so excited that they then, just about all of them, ran and jumped off the bridge simultaneously –not exactly safe. The kids were so cute, and having so much fun –it beats hanging out indoors and watching TV any day.
Iquitos Goes Professional!

Aaron & Casey Soccer Update
Well, they way its stands now, we are sitting with one win and two losses after three games into the season. Casey has already had his first spectacular goal (which helped contribute to our win two weeks ago), and I have had a few close ones, but nothing yet. In order to make the playoffs, it’s all about points. With each win you are awarded 3 points, a tie 1 point, and a loss, nothing. The good news is that right now a lot of teams have the same record as us. The sad news is that our schedule keeps becoming more challenging. Oh well, we are having fun, it’s a good competitive release, and we are becoming better friends with the people in our town.
Veronica Gets Glasses
This last week, Veronica went in to get her eyes checked. When she came back, this is what she looked like. We did not realize that she had an eye issue, but she has appreciated the added help with her stylish lenses. Her eyesight has improved, allowing her to even score more goals. Hopefully this new look will not also bring more boys, cause then Kelly will have to beat them up…