With the raising water levels, the kids have now given up jumping from the rotting log, and moved on to far bigger and better feats; bridge jumping. They do this everyday and it is hilarious to watch. The little kids launch off, hit the water (usually with little grace), and then swim back to shore (with their swimming resembling a thrashing bird in water).
The other day when I was driving by, I stopped to watch for a few minutes. The kids new my name, and kept telling me to “watch.” They were launching off the bridge in a variety of forms, but it got very exciting when I pulled out the camera and began snapping away. Kids love getting their picture taken. After a few minutes of this entertaining mayhem, I called the kids over and showed them the photos that I had taken. They were so excited that they then, just about all of them, ran and jumped off the bridge simultaneously –not exactly safe. The kids were so cute, and having so much fun –it beats hanging out indoors and watching TV any day.
The other day when I was driving by, I stopped to watch for a few minutes. The kids new my name, and kept telling me to “watch.” They were launching off the bridge in a variety of forms, but it got very exciting when I pulled out the camera and began snapping away. Kids love getting their picture taken. After a few minutes of this entertaining mayhem, I called the kids over and showed them the photos that I had taken. They were so excited that they then, just about all of them, ran and jumped off the bridge simultaneously –not exactly safe. The kids were so cute, and having so much fun –it beats hanging out indoors and watching TV any day.
HOW COOL! Maybe slightly refreshing? Not sure..... Shame, any activity outdoors is better than tv and veging on the couch! An Audience ALWAYS makes for more Fun-For Sure!! :)
Aaron, I didnt see YOU jumping off into the nice cool water! Nice to see what is all happening down there. Thinking of you both, Shaun
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