Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Dinner for the Workers

This organization is full of workers who help out our girls. Everything from driving them all over the city, to fundraising for them, to cooking for them, to babysitting; our girls have a lot of support. In lieu of this, we, the administrators at POPPYS House, wanted to take them out to a congratulatory dinner. We invited all of the employees who directly work with our girls, as well as their families. Everyone showed up--almost 40 in all. It was remarkable. We were able to meet the families of these wonderful people, and enjoy some of the best chicken, rice, and french fries in Iquitos (the restaurant that we went to is really known for having the best sauces in town). We are very thankful for these individuals who do so much and give so much of their time, all so that our girls can live a fairly normal life. We couldn’t do it without them.

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