Wednesday, May 5, 2010


The room next to ours is lacking a few things. It has taken some time, but the room is becoming more and more livable. This last week we have been putting in a ceiling –the final piece. During the process, one of the ceiling support boards decided to fall down from its anchor and come to rest on my head. Thus, I now have two, awesome, stitches.

The ER doc who gave me the stitches came in saying, “Nice. Give me five minutes max and you will be out of here.” I should have known. It turned out to be a rough process. After being anesthetized (so as to not “feel anything”), he was so determined to tie the stitches so tightly, yanking my head around, that it felt like he was trying to tie together two ships, with rope, during a storm. This all happened after vigorously cleaning my wound, or in a process as Kelly describes, “Scrubbing burnt, charred food from the bottom of a pan using steel wool.” And, surprisingly enough, it took roughly 5 minutes. But hey, I can’t complain, apparently the other hospitals in town don’t normally use anesthesia.

The picture below was taken after the ER trip and the blood shown are the streaks that dried up from dripping down from the edges of the wound. It just looked scary.

1 comment:

mom said...

Wow!!! nothing like finding out about this from your little sis!!! Yes, Sarah said to me last week, "mom, did Aaron tell you about his stitches?" - Seriously mom. Shame Man! Well, glad to KNOW and hear all went well Hey - Always God is Watching Over You TWO! :D