This last Saturday, we walked to church with the preconceived notion that it would not dare to rain. I do believe even Kelly ventured to say, “I do not think that it has EVER rained on us going to church,” which were some famous last words. Church started out normal. The clouds started bellowing in from afar. The sky turned from a silvery grey to a tar black. The wind came first and then came the torrential downpour. The wind blew so forcefully that a house in front of the church actually collapsed during the storm (fortunately no one was inside).
Our church only has one wall –well technically it is only half a wall (it is not quite finished). Our little congregation stopped the service, crowded into the middle of the church, and hoped to wait it out. It was at this point in time that Kelly politely reminded me, “Hey Aaron, I think we left the back windows open.” Note: when the back windows are open during a rainstorm, water enters our room like a raging river.
I quickly located a scooter, jumped on, emptied my pockets of anything valuable, and headed for home. Scooters have absolutely no traction in mud. I skidded all over the road. I went from nice church attire to soaked and dirty in a matter of seconds. I rushed home was more like it. I pulled out the keys from my pocket, but due to my pockets now being full of water, it took a few seconds to get them out. After finally opening the gate, I ran to our room. I finally got inside, threw off my shoes, ran to the back window, and wouldn’t you know, everything was completely dry. There was hardly even a midst coming through the windows. The heavens were letting loose, but nothing entered our room. Everything that I had done was in vain.
I quickly changed; tossed my soaking clothes in the shower, put some new clothes, put on my boots grabbed my raincoat along with 5 others, and headed out the door. I decided to walk balk due to the condition of the road. By the time I got to within 5 minutes of the church, the rain had stopped, and everyone was walking back. Again, everything had been done in vain.

Here are some ladies singing ¨Showers of Blessings.¨ It was rather comical.
Very Cool - Wow! More of a downpour than when I was visiting Sarah says. So No puddle sliding this time, rather just driving in it and walking... hahaha :D
AWESOME I liked it :)
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