Sunday, October 5, 2008

1. Not only do we mentor the girls, we teach them to be firefighters!

This last week, Hernan, an elderly gentleman who squats the land next to us, decided to start a fire in order to burn some of the under brush surrounding our land. Sadly, he picked a scorching day with a steady breeze. The fire was fairly contained until it found a nice little dry area behind our dorms. We were worried that it would take out our septic system, which would cause a horrendous stench and blockage issue. With the help of some boys playing in the river, a hose, some buckets, and all the girls out at Santo Tomas, we were able to extinguish the fire. It was an eventful hour to say the least. Everyone is safe, our septic system is untouched, and the underbrush is gone, what more could you ask for…

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