Sunday, October 5, 2008

Mother Teresa - A Universal Name of Dignity

There is a lady who lives with us who is known as Mother Teresa. She lives in a small room, with her two girls Maybeth and Susan, in the corner of our property. MT is the epitomy of love, kindness, service, and christ. Officially, she is the nanny for all 5 of our little kids out here at POPPY´s house. From when the children get up, to when we lay them down for bed, she is there tending to the needs of the little ones. The mothers of these children love their kids, but tend to neglect some of their needs. The mothers are treating their kids how they were treated.

It is a growth process out here for everyone. The girls are trying to learn new parenting tactics, but the process is slow. MT is a tremendous support out here. She brings a spiritual richness that lightens everyones day. We are very greatful for what this lady does out here. When the mothers are gone, or even sometimes when they are here, MT bathes, feeds, sings with, talks with, walks with, and loves the children. MT has more patience than anyone I have met.

MT has not had an easy life. She has two older girls who are going to school in Lima, and then two that live with her now. Three of the girls have had some sort of improper treatment from a member of the family, and now MT is in the process of trying to obtain a divorce from her husband. This, and a few other minor details, tie into how and why she came to live with us. MT sees God in everything. She is always leading out in song service with us, and offering tremendous advice on both parenting and in how to effectively deal with the kids -both young and old. MT has worked out at POPPY´s house for some time now because she wants to help these girls. She has a ton of insight to offer the girls, some of which is not always appreciated by them. Mother Teresa is the epitomy of Paul´s tag line, ¨live to serve, serve to live.¨

MT has a lot of needs, but still finds the energy and strength to keep on giving to others, specifically all the the troubled girls out here. Kelly and I have fallen in love with this lady. We want to serve others like she so kind-heartedly does. MT receives a small stipend from the organization and was running a small ice-business on the side (we have the only filtered water in town, so MT was selling ¨filtered¨ice). This was until recently, but her freezer busted, and we are unable to provide her with another one.

The People of Peru Organization has quite a few wonderful individuals. MT is just one of those people that stick out. We are fortunate to have the opportunity to work with and learn from such a God-ferring woman. We have a lot to learn, but we have a patient teacher.


Anonymous said...

How can one not be humbled in hearing this lady's service and love. Truely God is Near to you as you're also serving with a heart of learning and Love! I'm grateful you're able to see first-hand why mission work is So Very Rewarding! It opens our eyes to the Huge Hearts of those who share and give so much when they find Jesus. We too learn to Shine/Share.

Anonymous said...

actually this was your mom....sorry, didn't mean to be anonymous!

Anonymous said...

Hey guys!
wow what a awesome lady:D
that is way too sweet what she does for the girls.
hope all is good and kelly is feeling better

Love and Miss you sarah :/