Monday, October 27, 2008

Us Alone with the Babies...

October 21, our CNA for the organization (Camila) took the girls to go get Tetanus shots. Most of the girls had never had this before, so this will help them out significantly. Sadly, with the mothers gone, we were left alone with the little ones. One in particular, Kevin, gave us a run for our money. This little dude, for who knows what reason, ALWAYS has the runs. He decided to let it all go in the sala. He always wears a diaper, but diapers down here are considerably different from ones in the States. Kelly and I got the rare, but character building, opportunity to clean this little dude up. Due to this “stuff” being everywhere, we sprayed him off. This is the protocol up here. Here is a video of Kelly prepping herself for battle. This also shows why Kelly’s brother will probably never, ever let her clean up Kylan…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm laughing Out Loud!! :) Oh I can think back to a time when Aaron....Well it's amazing when they're your own truly it is Much different....