Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Kevin comes to visit

Kelly and I were blessed to have a friend come and visit us for a week. Kevin has been volunteering for “Touch of Love” in Pucallpa, Peru. Kevin has been here in Peru as a missionary since July of 2009, and prior to his departure back home to the Northwest (woop, woop), he decided to come and say hi to us way up North. It was great seeing someone from back home (Kevin and I went to school together since grade school at Rivergate Adventist Academy) as well as someone that understood the Peruvian culture. We had some fun times. Thanks for the visit Kevin!

1 comment:

mom said...

YES! Go Kevin House!!!! Amazing so many loved friends travel to see you and Kelly from home. Kevin's parents both told me he was headed your way from many travels he's been doing abroad.... You both look Very Healthy and sun-kissed too.... :D:D:d