Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Teresa gets contracted out!

A group from Washington State University (School of Nursing) came down and decided to try out Teresa’s hamburger stand. They contracted her out for dinner, and then, liked it so much that they again rented her services a few days later as well. Teresa was the first graduate of the micro-loans program (she is now self-supporting without the need for a loan).

Her business is doing well, and she is looking to expand with one more stand. We are so excited for her. Here are some photos! Here the students from WSU gave manicures and massages to our girls.

Here, Teresa is making the orders with Kelly running the ticket counter.

The WSU group decided to purchase ice cream for everyone. Nice.

1 comment:

mom said...

Amazing!!! Awesome Aaron and all your leadership and guidance in starting this Great Class and time you've given to these ladies... Theresa is truly an example for us ALL and what can be done if we put our effort in changing the past!!!! GO THERESA!!! :D:D:D:D May I learn while I'm with you only better to apply when I get back home... :D VERY PROUD of YOU!! :D