Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Aaron, Casey and Juanito build some stairs the hard way

There is a slight hill right next to the kitchen that has been a problem for a few of us in getting down –some of us, who will remain nameless, have fallen. The steps were chiseled out in dirt, and then a light covering of cement was applied. As you can imagine, that light covering was broken, and the stairs were eroding away. Casey and I, with some help from our groundskeeper Juanito, made some stylish stairs which will hopefully last for a while. This took an entire day. I was amazed to find out that the concrete is mixed on the ground, and instead of gravel or rock, they just mix in sand. Methods down here are different. Mixing cement on the ground in the hot weather is tiresome. It was a fun experience though, and they turned out better than any of us had originally thought.

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