Sunday, September 28, 2008

Fresh Fruit!

It is incredible to see all of the fresh fruit down here. Kelly and I have always enjoyed juices, but we have fallen even more in love with them down here. We get fresh fruit juice at least once a day. Juice here does not come from a can, but rather from the fruit itself –go figure. Today I was in charge of making the juice for dinner, and here was the process: Peel all the fruit, take out the seed, throw it in a blender, then pour it in a strainer, pour water through it (to get out all of the rich flavor), throw in some sugar, and then mix it all around. After all of that, and 30 minutes later (yeah, who would have thought making juice would have taken that long?), it tasted beautiful. Our favorite, at least at this moment, is Maracuyá (or Passion Fruit). We love this stuff! We are really going to miss all of this when we go back to the states.

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