Monday, August 23, 2010

No gas in Iquitos

The last week we had a problem finding gas. The propane tank that we had was empty, and we could not find any more in Iquitos. Technically there were a few tanks left, but they were selling for really high prices. Everything we do involving the kitchen is performed with propane. We were able to cut down a few trees and tear apart some old tables in order to have firewood, so everything worked out –although a little inconvenient.

The first rumor was that the businesses selling propane were not selling in order to form a strike against the oil companies. Then we found out the real reason was that the river was too low. Apparently gas comes by barge from Lima to Iquitos via Pucallpa. Pucallpa is on the river, and the river was so low that the barges could not make it up to deliver the gas in Iquitos. The barges were running aground. The gas shortage lasted only a couple of days thank goodness. We are now back on track.

1 comment:

mom said...

God Is GOOD to allow you to be able to SO RESOURCEFUL!
Glad it lasted only a few days.....
Blessings ahead as you're Always in my prayers. :D